Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Zombies in Outer Space Day!

Our third day of camp was also awesome! The weather was great, and we started it all off with groups. In ADL, everybody made awesome clocks. In Arts and Crafts, we made music, and in Active Games, we played soccer (as a tribute to the World Cup!). But the fun didn't end with groups, because we had one of Arrowhead's favorite special events, Zombies in Outer Space day!

To celebrate our special event, campers learned Zombie identification skills, dressed volunteers as zombies, fought zombies and made protective forts, and escaped from zombies via personal spacecraft. It was a lot of fun, and we are happy to say that we rid all of the zombies from Arrowhead!

To end the day, we had lunch, volunteer break, and a great swim. It was so much fun! We have our first field trip tomorrow! The Science Museum!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Disney Day!

We had an incredible Day Two with our first Special Event of the year! It was the ever-so spectacular Disney Day!

Before Disney Day began, though, we had groups. In ADL we made pretzels, which everybody got to eat at lunch! In Active Games, we played with a parachute, and got a little wet with a water shooter at the same time (this one was a big hit). In Arts and Crafts, formally renamed Arts and Awesome by Ben Crowell, we made a group coloring book. Then came Disney Day!

To celebrate Disney Day, we had a variety of Disney-themed groups. In one group, everybody came to the dock to sink Captain Hook's pirate ship. In another, campers navigated through a Toy Story obstacle course to fix a broken toy! In yet another group, everyone thought of the different ways human objects could be used, a la Scuttle the seagull in The Little Mermaid. The fun didn't end there, though, because then we played an awesome round of a Disney-themed Dating Game. Everyone was laughing a lot at the end of it all. To end the day, we ate lunch, had volunteer break, and went for a swim.

Here we go Day Three!

Monday, June 28, 2010


Today began our intense foray into the summer, and let me tell you, folks, Camp Arrowhead started strong. At 9:00 AM all the campers rolled in and we got to work being awesome.

We started with opening circle, where we had all the campers introduce themselves and sang a few songs. Next came groups! In Active Games, we played both regular bowling and HUMAN BOWLING (where the volunteers serve as the pins!). In ADL, everybody made bird feeders (let's hope that a lot of birds show up in all the campers' front yards!). And since our lodge is pretty empty, since we've onl;y just begun the summer, in Arts and Crafts we made art installation pieces! It was definitely a great start to the day.

After groups, we had a quick lunch and volunteer break and then an extended swim! That's right, almost two hours in the water, which was awesome because it was so darn hot outside! We swam, splashed, and made sand castles on the beach. To end the day, we sang some songs in closing circle. We can't wait for Day Two!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Volunteer Training!

Every year brings a new crop of awesome volunteers, and 2010 is no exception. To get prepared for our campers, we had two days of super great training sessions. To start things off, we played ice breaker games to get everyone comfortable with each other, including the hilarious orange relay. After that, we got down to business and gave the volunteers lots of information about Arrowhead and disability awareness. It might have been a lot to process, but we have so much faith in our volunteers! The staff presented some skits on typical camp situations, which left many volunteers cryin' with laughter, and we ended the first day of v-teer training with a debriefing session in small groups.

The second day was a lot of fun as well! We had mini camp, which gave volunteers hands-on experience with mock camp situations. After mini camp, we had a brief swim test, burgers for lunch, and some free time to hang out (and play an epic game of basketball in which staff member Tim Flynn drove to the hole multiple times without mercy). The day ended with a free swim, and then a presentation of some special stories from volunteers and staff members alike.

Overall, the days were pretty intense, but also pretty great. We are so excited by how well all of our volunteers have already done, and even more excited by how well they are going to do this summer! WEEK ONE STARTS TOMORROW! GET PUMPED!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Let's Go!

Welcome back to the Camp Arrowhead Blog, everybody! We are so incredibly excited for the Summer of 2010 and all of the amazing camp activities we have planned!

First thing's first - if you're unfamiliar with the blog, you can check out last year's blog here. We will use the blog to inform you, our loyal readers, about all of the awesome days at camp, and perhaps include a few pictures as well!

With that being said, staff training concluded today and we are ready to start the year. Volunteers come in tomorrow for two epic days of volunteer training, and our first wave of campers comes on Monday! Stay tuned for an awesome summer, and read last year's blog to remind yourself about how awesome Camp Arrowhead truly is!